Copyright © Paola Porcinai – Photos and texts
The aim of this website www.pietroporcinai.net is to protect and make known the works of Pietro Porcinai; copyright belongs to Paola Porcinai (Via Bandini no. 15, San Domenico, Fiesole, Florence, Italy).
Access to the website is free and implies acceptance by the user of the following terms and conditions.
All contents of this site (images, texts and more generally layout and software) are the exclusive property of Paola Porcinai and are protected by Italian law.
Any reproduction, total or partial, using any means whatsoever, of the contents, layout or software of this site without the prior written authorisation of Paola Porcinai is strictly prohibited. Users who wish to cite parts of the contents of the site for the purpose of research, study or review must obtain prior authorisation from the owner.
The logo, the names and distinctive signs contained in this site belong exclusively to the owner and cannot be used without the prior permission of the same.
Under no circumstances can the images from the website be used without the authorisation of the owner and the photographer. Paola Porcinai accepts no liability for the improper or unauthorised use of the images in violation of the above provisions, which are to be considered mandatory.
Paola Porcinai can in no way be held liable for any damage or prejudice, either direct or indirect, which may be caused to users during the consultation of the website, or for any malfunction, interruption or error in the transmission or link to the same.
Users’ obligations
Without prejudice to what is laid down in the preceding articles, by entering this website the users undertake not to utilise the site itself to violate the rights of the owner or of third parties in any form or manner. More specifically, the users undertake not to utilise the website to transmit, place or in any case disseminate contents that are damaging or illegal. It is similarly forbidden to use the site in such a way as to interrupt, damage or undermine the efficiency of a part or the whole of the same.
Final regulations
In the case of infringement, users will be punished pursuant to the law, without prejudice to the right of the owner to take action for the compensation of any damages incurred.